Sanjay Dave

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Weather forecast for universal rain in 24 hours in gujrat

Weather forecast for universal rain in 24 hours in gujrat

patients through discussion forums and the collective experienceof other people with similar problems. Patients take responsibilityfor their routine health care and rely on physicians and hospitalsfor more serious medical conditions.This system is not a futuristic vision but one that is well withinour grasp. It would cut costs by reducing professional responsibilityfor routine tasks and record keeping while also facilitatingimproved patient care and satisfaction. The technologies for thiskind of transformation of the health care system are availablenow in the form of cell phones, mobile broadband, remote monitoringdevices, telemedicine, videoconferencing, andthe Internet.

Health care delivery today is dominated by physicians, hospitals,the pharmaceutical industry, insurance companies, andgovernment agencies. Patients seeking information or care mustnavigate networks of providers, order prescription drugs frompharmacies, and file claims for reimbursement from either publicor private insurance plans. They have no choice but to spendhours connecting the dots and working out the best health carefor themselves and their families. But health care does not haveto be run this way.

Let us imagine a different system, one where, with the aid ofthe Internet, electronic medical records, and smartphones, thepatient is in charge.25 People monitor their own weight, bloodpressure, pulse, and blood sugar levels and send the results bymeans of remote devices to health care providers. Medical recordsare stored online and accessible by patients regardless of wherethey are in the world. They receive personalized feedback viae-mail and reminders when they gain weight, have an uptick incholesterol levels, miss taking a prescribed medication, or experienceincreased blood pressure. Social networking sites support.

Read in gujrati


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