Do you even run a bike talking on the mobile? Watch
The improved patient care possible through mobile technologieshas already received research support. Work by MirelaPrgomet, Andrew Georgious, and Johanna Westbrook has foundthat mobile handheld devices have positive impacts on hospitalphysician work practices and patient care. When care providerswere equipped with such devices, researchers observed benefits interms of “error prevention, and data managementandaccessibility profound inMOBILE TECHNOLOGY 1emergency room settings, beyond the individual patient,mobile devices can be used to improve global health by trackingepidemics and assisting in disaster relief efforts. A majorityof sub-Saharan Africa residents, to take one example, are servedby cell phones with texting capabilities.
A nonprofit organizationcalled Medic Mobile seeks to use text messaging in that part ofthe world totrack the spread of disease and help disaster reliefpersonnel find those in need.27 In this way, digital technologyallows people to overcome the limitations of geography in healthcare and to access information and deliver care remotely to individualpatients or populations.Civic and Political EngagementFast mobile broadband promotes civic engagement and providesnew ways to follow politics and government.
A number of organizationsaround the world have developed interactive mappingsoftware that allows citizens to chart data patterns in their neighborhoodor create videos or multimedia platforms that engagepeople in public debates.29 This list of basic technologies, moreover, is augmented by theadvanced features of smartphones, such as web browsing, andapplication development. The increasing sophistication of smartphoneshas given rise to a variety of new medical apps that helpdoctors and patients stay in touch and monitor health status andneeds. another locale.
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