For the 90 thousand places in the Indian Railways,
Contributing EditorsJoseph Camerata has a BS in Management with honors (magna cum laude). He retired as aChemist in 2006 having worked in the field of chemical, environmental, and industrial hygienesampling and analysis for 40 years. He has been a professional presenter at an EPA analyticalconference at the Biosphere in Arizona and a presenter at an AWWA conference in Mesa,Arizona. He also taught safety classes at the Honeywell and City of Phoenix, and is amotivational/inspirational speaker nationally and internationally. This CEU training manual has been prepared to assist employees in the general awareness of thedangerous electrical system, dealing with often-complex procedures and requirements for safely handlinghazardous energy.
The scope of the material is quite large, requiring a major effort to bring it undercontrol. Employee health and safety, as well as that of the public, depend upon careful application offederal and state regulations and safe working procedures.This course will cover general electrical laws, and work rules relating to electrical principles. It should benoted, however, that the federal and state regulations are an ongoing process and subject to change overtime. This manual is a guidance document for employees who are learning general electrical principles.It is not designed to meet the full requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) or the Department of Labor-Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules andregulations. Only qualified licensed electricians should be allowed to work on any or all electricalinstallations or components.
This course will not qualify you to work on any type of electrical system orcomponent.This course manual will provide general guidance and should not be used as a preliminary basis fordeveloping any type of electrical or safety plan or procedure. This document is not detailed electricalprocedure or electrical safety textbook or a comprehensive source book on electrical safety or buildingcodes rules and regulations. Technical Learning College makes no warranty, guarantee or representationas to the absolute correctness or appropriateness of the information in this manual and assumes noresponsibility in connection with the implementation of this information.
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